Gen Y’s Buying Property

Learn REAL Property Education!

There’s a lot of thrashing on Gen Y’s buying their first property given the price of the current capital city markets. 

I’m either reading that the market is too unaffordable and over-inflated for Gen Y’s to purchase OR Gen Y’s simply go for lifestyle choice (smashed avocados & espresso martinis) over saving a deposit. 

It’s really quite simple; Gen Y’s need better education on exactly how to get into the property market. 

Not asking your mate, not asking your accountant, not reading a few doom and gloom articles I mean REAL property education. Would you take tax advice from a football player? Would you take weight loss advice from an overweight person? No. You wouldn’t, so why is buying property any different? 

If you really want to make a start, read 7 Steps To Wealth. It’s easy and it covers everything you need to know. If you’re 35 and under, I will post you a copy for free – send me a note – 

There’s only truth in numbers. Not opinionated articles or your friend’s bad experiences – just quite simply numbers.

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